Wherever we are sad, dealing with a loss or a disappointment that causes sorrow and distress, we can meditate to keep our mind calm, focused and positive as well as to provide us with the willpower to continue.
Children Who Want Their Father to Quit Drinking
Many families may have faced the daily problem of seeing their father being drunk and belligerent.
Persons Worthy of Respect
Persons worthy of respect are those who perform good deeds as if their lives depend on it and their goodness should be remembered by us
Carefulness In All Dhamma.
The nature of a mind is always thinking and wandering. Normally one’s mind is often unconscious and indulges in the five sensual pleasures namely: forms, odors, sounds and tangible objects that usually tempt one to do bad deeds with his/her body, speech and mind.
Underlying Objective of Dividing Society into Six Sectors
No-one in the world is perfect. Therefore we must know how to interact with the different social groups around us in order to pick up the positive core values we lack from them
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Dhamma Practice (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Sixteen :- Dhamma Practice.
Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes and that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes does not go against the third Buddhist precept, which is to avoid adultery. This is because they feel that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
Our Human Environment in the Six Directions includes those who are the most influential in our lives
Ways in which we can help our self not to mix with fools:
Be continually aware of not behaving with negative actions or speech however minor, as there is always a risk that they can lead to bigger things if we are not careful
The ways to Recognize a Wise person:
A wise person will behave in the following ways: 1. They will support others to do the right thing and encourage them to reject negative habits e.g. smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs and stealing